Yearly Archives: 2011

New 3D Mesh – Sewerpipe

I`m in the middle of the process to create the levelgraphics for my first level. I`m a bit in trouble though what to upload of my current level graphics and what not. It makes in my eyes not much sense to upload a mesh that is made out of two planes. This is something that even beginners can do by themselves. So forgive me when you find graphics in the later level that you cannot download. This graphics is most probably nothing else than mainly texture and a simple primitive like a plane then.

Anyways. Here comes a Sewerpipe. Something to put onto a wall. Preferable above some water. It`s in 3D Graphics / Buildings

Forum offline

Yesterday i had again some server trouble. So i have put the forum offline to save some more bandwidth. The WordPress part has enough posibilities to leave comments. Which makes the forum obsolete, and saves me the time to keep it up to date and to battle against spammers. The forum was rarely used in the last months anyways.