Author Archives: Reiner

Bforartists 4 – Version 4.1.0

Bforartists 4 version 4.1.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 4 version 4.1.0
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability. And is, like Blender, open source and free to use.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

This release has a new feature called the 3D Sequencer, where you can use scene strips as shots in a “pinned” video sequencer timeline to change the 3D View scene contents, camera, and animation dynamically. There are lots of small changes, the toolbar now integrated into the header now. There is a new Power User Tools addon and another 123 task and features added to everything from the latest from Blender 4.1.0 and 4.2.0 Alpha to the date.

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Reiner, Iyad, Blenux, Sean and the rest of the team.

Bforartists 4 – Version 4.0.1 Official Release

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 4 version 4.0.1
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability. And is, like Blender, open source and free to use.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

This versions comes with a new Presentation addon, a Shader Node kit for the Asset Browser and procedural materials, and general maintenance with all the latest features, stability, and updates from Blender with all our additional love from us.

This version has an additional 150 tasks and bug fixes with everything from Blender 4.0.0, 4.0.1 and 4.1.0 development.

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Reiner, Iyad, Blenux, Sean and the rest of the team.

We have also been proud to be part of the this year Blender conference.

Bforartists 3.4.1

Hello Friends

Bforartists 3 Version 3.4.1 is a maintenance release. It comes with the changes from Blender 3.4.1.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Iyad, Reiner, and the rest of the team.

Bforartists 3 version 3.4.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 3 version 3.4.0.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 – Version 3.4.0 is a maintenance release. It comes with the changes from Blender 3.4.0 with the usual changes to keep Bforartists consistent and compatible with the latest from Blender.

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Iyad, Reiner, and the rest of the team.

Bforartists 3 version 3.3.1

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 3 version 3.3.1
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.3.1 is a maintenance release. It comes with the changes from Blender 3.3.1.

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Iyad, Reiner, and the rest of the team.

Bforartists 3 version 3.3.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. Bforartist 3 version 3.3.0
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.3.0 is a maintenance release. It comes with the changes from Blender 3.3.0.

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂
Draise, Iyad, Reiner, and the rest of the team.

Bforartists 3 version 3.2.2

Hello Friends!
Bforartists 3 Version 3.2.2 is a maintenance release. It comes with the changes from Blender 3.2.2 with the usual changes to keep Bforartists consistent and compatible with the latest from Blender.

This release also contains the first iteration of a default asset library (as an addon) and polish in the brush panels addon.

Sourcecode at Github.
And the release note:

Splashscreen is kindly provided by Seanr

Thank you!

Draise, Reiner, Iyad and the rest of the Team

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.3

Hello Friends,

A showstopper bug made it necessary to release a new version. Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.3 fixes three small bugs and this showstopper bug. At some PC’s Cuda cards was not detected, and so it was not possible to render at the GPU.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Bforartists 3 version 3.1.2

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.1.2.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.2 is a bug fix and maintenance release. It comes with the bugfixes from Blender 3.1.2, the further development from Blender 3.2.0 Alpha. And with the usual changes to keep Bforartists consistent and compatible with Blender. The list of changes at the Bforartists end is expectable low.

Many thanks to the team! And have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.0

Bforartists 3 version 3.1.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.1.0.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.0 is a maintenance release. It comes with all the changes from Blender 3.1.0, and with the usual changes to keep Bforartists consistent and compatible with Blender. The last release 3.0.1 was just a month ago. So the number of changes in this version is expectable low.

Many thanks to the team!

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂