Yearly Archives: 2013

Alister Alpha Version

A minor update to fix the most obvious bugs. Unfortunately i was not able to catch the Windows 8 related one. Seems that my game is currently just usable with Win 7 and below.

Alister can be found in the Games section.

I have currently a bit trouble with the server. Sometimes it refuses to load. Be patient when the server doesn`t respond. The issue is under development.

Alister Alpha Version

Here comes the next alpha version of Alister. Biggest changings: every level has a riddle element now where you can get a quest item. We have a bosslevel now. The projector shadows and the volume shadow gots replaced by realtime shadow. And there are as usual lots of small changings and bug fixes. A complete list of changings can be found in the release log.

Alister can be found in the Games section.

New Textures – Lava

My bosslevel needed some lava. So i followed a photoshop tutorial, and voila 🙂

It`s in 3d graphics / Gameready Textures. You can of course also click at the thumbnails here in this posting, the images are also linked here 🙂