Daily Archives: Sun-09-02-14

WordPress and fonts.googleapis.com

As some of you know, i use WordPress for my webpage. By coincidence i stumbled across the fact that WordPress now phones home to Google by default since the new version, to load a webfont. They have implemented a call to fonts.googleapis.com in the webpage somewhere. So everytime somebody calls my webpage, then Google counts this call too.

This is really nasty from WordPress! And my sympathy for WordPress has sunken quite a bit. My webpage is my property. And not an advertising or user counting platform for Google. Such things makes me really angry.

There is fortunately already a plugin avaliable that disables the calls to fonts.googleapis.com. It’s called Disable Google Fonts. And can be found in the WordPress Plugins. I have installed this plugin now. Fingers crossed that this prevents any further calls to fonts.googleapis.com.

I use a standard font anyways. And everything still looks normal to me. I hope that it doesn’t look too bad for others now.