Neue 3D meshes – Crystal

Es ist schon eine ganze Weile her dass ich hier Grafiken hochgeladen habe. Es ist also mehr als Zeit mal wieder was zu veröffentlichen. Selbst wenn es nur eine Kleinigkeit ist. Wie diese Kristalle hier.

Zu finden unter 3D Grafiken / Sonstiges

6 thoughts on “Neue 3D meshes – Crystal

  1. -smn-

    What’s your secret for making a game from start to finish?

    I always get bored on every project I start!!! 🙂

  2. Reiner Beitragsautor

    That`s the greatest art in making a game. To finish it. The secret is Obsession, to work in small junks like a single level or even just a single graphics, code snippet, whatever, and to choose project sizes that you can really finish. And it helps enourmous when you are a bit crazy 🙂

  3. Andy

    I finally created the credits for my game and just wanted to say that you and your site got mentioned on the very top! A big thank you for sharing your great work! You can have a look at the credits here:

    If you would like to have something changed about the wording, or the way you’re getting mentioned. please tell me 🙂

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