Category Archives: Allgemein

In Development – CuHe Version 1.0

CuHe is final now. And is ready to download. One last big changing: Cuhe is now under MIT license.

For the Unity project file to be completed i have to wait for the final Unity 4.6 version. That’s why CuHe is still in development.

It’s in Apps / In Development – CuHe

Now for something completely different. You may have noticed that i was everything but busy with making graphics in the last time. I have no game in development, so i have no graphics to create. I am in making music at the moment, one of my other hobbies. Means there is also not in the nearer future graphics to expect, sorry.

In Development – CuHe

Time to develop something new.

CuHe creates some kind of a heightmap mesh. But not one vertice per pixel, but one cube per pixel. Something like a cubic heightmap. That’s where the name comes from CUbic HEightmap. It isn’t finished yet. But it already does what it should.

It’s in Apps / In Development – CuHe

I am right

Click at Image to see it in full size.

I am right!

Normally i develop games. But from time to time i feel for making a still. All three or four years or so.

The motif is in my head since quite a while. I made a scribble for it long ago. Now i have finally spent a few days to redo it in 3D. It took me four weeks to create everything up to this final render.

Modeling happened in trueSpace and Blender. Sculpting in 3D Coat. Texturing happened in Blender, 3D Coat and Gimp plus a homebrew tool called Halo Remover. Scene setup, rigging, posing, and rendering happened in Blender and Cycles. Post processing in Gimp. Levelling and adding the background image in the window.

Can also be found in the other category.