Category Archives: Allgemein

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.0

Bforartists 3 version 3.1.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.1.0.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.1.0 is a maintenance release. It comes with all the changes from Blender 3.1.0, and with the usual changes to keep Bforartists consistent and compatible with Blender. The last release 3.0.1 was just a month ago. So the number of changes in this version is expectable low.

Many thanks to the team!

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂

Bforartists 3 version 3.0.1

Bforartists 3 version 3.0.1

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.0.1.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.0.1 comes with all the bugfixes from Blender 3.0.1. Blender 3.0.1. has fixed over 80 bugs.

One of the last big projects in Bforartists is fulfilled. All text and properties are now left aligned in the modifiers too. The experimental keymap with F to center at the view and X C V to adjust the brushes is now the main keymap. As a reminder, here you can find a pdf file with the vital changes in the new keymap:

The rest is the usual work to keep Bforartists updated with the Blender changes. Align all the new middle alignend things left in the UI, create new icons, fix oddities. All in all we have around 110 changes in this release.

This release ends the current development cycle. Our design goals for Bforartists are largely met. And we fade slowly into a maintaining development status to keep our changes stable, consistent and up to date with Blender. But we won’t stop to make Bforartists better and better.

As with every release, friends, It was me a pleasure to work with you. And many thanks to our users too for supporting us!

Have fun with the new version. Enjoy Bforartists 🙂

Bforartists 3 version 3.0.0 released

Hello Friends,

We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.0.0. It is another milestone in the history of Bforartists.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 3 Version 3.0.0 comes with all the changes from Blender 3. And lots of improvements for Bforartists. The constraints have now left aligned text too. The Ui and tooltips got further streamlined. The tabs in the tool shelf are now in other editors available too. The toolbar has some new entries. We have around 200 new icons for the geometry nodes editor. And all these nodes in the sidebar available. The asset browser has its first own workspace. We added some more matcaps. And a ton of small improvements and fixes. The small changes always makes the masses of the changes. A little improvement here, a little improvement there …

All in all it’s around 340 changes in this release. Not every change is a change at the source code. We needed to fix github actions for example. This was also a very time consuming task. Github actions is the test compile to check if there are some problems in the source code.

We have also a new experimental keymap with some vital changes regarding the brushes handling. The brushes hotkeys moved from F, in combination with holding ctrl, shift and alt, to X C V keys. And F is now Frame selected. No need anymore to release the mouse and press numpad 0 to put the selection in focus. Please test this new keymap for conflicts. These changes will most probably go into the main keymap with the next point release.

Here you can find a pdf file with the vital changes between the default and experimental keymap:

Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

As with every release, and even more with this yet another milestone release, i want again to thank everybody involved for your support and help and passion for this project. It was me a pleasure 🙂

Have fun with the new version – Reiner

New Album – CP T Tiles – This is the Place

Hey Friends,

Most of you know me from programming, making art, and game- and software development. And as the crazy guy who develops the Blender fork Bforartists.  Some of you might also know me as a musician. I wrote the music for my games for many years. Well, I had two professional single releases in spring. And now i made the jump to a full album.

I am happy and proud to present my debut album “This is the Place” under the artists name CP T Tiles. The Album is composed, produced, mixed and mastered by me. Distributed by David Wide Music. And the label at which it is released is the Danmark Music Group.

The album includes great songs (12) as: Silent – This Is The Place – Truth And Faith – Garden of Eden – Dreamer – The Best Is Yet To Come – Dragon Rider – Stay By My side – And The World Stands Still – Home Sweet Home – Wonderland – Dancing With Angels

Have fun with the music :)
Reiner aka Tiles aka CP T Tiles

All Download & Streaming Links:

The two singles from spring can be found here:

Here comes the morning
Watch on Youtube:
All Download & Streaming Links:

Darkest Nights
All Download & Streaming links:
Watch on Youtube:

Server migration and updated links

The page has moved to a new server hardware. And to my surprise it turned out that most of my download links didn’t work anymore.

First i thought it is a setting at the new server. But then i found out that this was caused by Google Chromium. All browsers based at Chromium doesn’t allow downloads from http anymore. But requires now a https download url. And my page used http links everywhere for downloads. It exists since over 20 years now.

There is no warning. The links then simply refuses to do anything. This must have started last year. I usually rarely download content from my own page. So it needed the server move to make me aware of the problem.

So sorry for the broken links. They are now all secure https links and should work just fine again. Please contact me in case there are still some broken links at the page.

And thanks Google for breaking my page.

  • Reiner

Bforartists 2 version 2.9.0

Bforartists 2 version 2.9.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available. And so there is also a new version from us. Bforartists Version 2.9.0.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 2.9.0 brings the new features and fixes from Blender 2.93 LTS. Bforartists 2.9.0 is already based at Blender 3.0 Alpha.

The first major project concerns the Tool Shelf. Bforartists 2.9.0 brings back the tool shelf tabs. Most of the content from the header text menus can now also be found in the tool shelf as icon buttons. The tabs are optional. You can deactivate it.

The second big project in this version was the new Geometry Nodes Editor. The content of the Add menu in the Geometry Node Editor is now also available here in the sidebar in panels, if desired as icons. The nodes now each have an icon in the viewport.

Another big ongoing project is to split the tooltips by tool. Blender unfortunately still has a single tooltip and a tool name for up to 6 different tools. And we’ve made the usual little tweaks and changes. New UI content aligned to the left, human-understandable tooltips incorporated, new icons created for the new tools, and so on. All in all, there are over 280 changes in this version.

Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

Many thanks to the team and everybody involved. And a special Thanks goes to IyadAhmed to re-enable the tool shelf code, and to Tymen Muller for this great splash screen image.

Have fun with the new version – Reiner

Bforartists 2 version 2.6.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available. And so there is also a new version from us. Bforartists Version 2.6.0

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 2.6.0 brings the fixes and changes from Blender 2.91. And it brings the first changes from the current development cycle of Bforartists. As usual it is not one big change. But includes lots of small changes like left aligned props which are now also in the panels that are C code based, better defaults, improved tooltips, panel layouts and organizations, and so on. Properties that shows hidden content have for example now a little triangle button besides. The content of panels is indent to improve readability and organization. Some changes at the keymap. F2 is now search. And some fixes. This release brings all in all over 230 changes.

The windows and linux versions are up. The mac version needs as usual a bit longer. Same goes for the manual. Please be patient.

Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

Many thanks to the team and everybody involved. Have fun with the new version – Reiner


Bforartists 2 version 2.5.0

Hello Friends,

There is a new Blender version available. And so there is also a new version from us. Bforartists Version 2.5.0.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

Bforartists 2.5.0 brings the fixes and changes from Blender 2.90. And some minimal corrections and fixes that we have found at our way through the missing manual chapters. Bforartists 2.5.0 is based on Blender 2.91 Alpha.

We have also updated the manual. All chapters are written now, so it is feature complete. And this means this chapter is finally finished, and we can continue to develop the software now.

The download offers for linux are now reduced to two. tar.gz and deb. RPM seems not longer supported by Blender, the script is missing. And i never managed to get SH to work. Linux remains a difficult chapter.

Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability.

Many thanks to the team and everybody involved. Have fun with the new version – Reiner

Page broken

I just realized that the page is broken with one of the newest updates.

The mean part is: at the surface everything looks fine. But the links are broken now. I am currently at investigating the cause. Sorry for the inconvenience. I work at it to fix this as fast as possible.

  • Reiner

EDIT –  Fixed. The links should work again.

Bforartists 2 version 2.0.0

Hello Friends,

This is it, we have released the final version of Bforartists 2.

The binary downloads can as usual also be found in the download section of the official webpage.
The sourcecode can be found at Github.
And the release note is here:

We have found and fixed a hand full of last minute bugs. And we have readded the align view buttons from Bforartists 1 back into the header. I missed it too much in my workflow. And we have corrected a mistake at the versioning numbers. This is Bforartists 2. And so the version number should be Bforartists 2.0.0. It is now.

This release is a milestone release. It ends the development cycle for Bforartists 2, and continues the success story of the Bforartists project. This doesn’t mean the end of development. Quite the opposite. This just means that we have finally a stable version that can be used in production. A version where we can finally make tutorials for again. The first quickstart videos are popping up at the moment. We will continue to release a new and updated version every time a new Blender version appears. And we will continue to improve Bforartists as good as we can.

But the focus of the next months will be at the manual and the tutorials first. We have lots of gaps here that we need to close. And we need to close them first before we can go on with adding features.

Here you can find a short video note to the release.